QR Codes for tailoing

Tailor Smart: Using QR Codes for Tailoring

QR Codes sure has a lot of uses today, now that information can be easily accessed, or transactions can be easily made in a single scan. A lot of industries have benefitted greatly from using QR Codes, such as marketing, agriculture, education, health care, and even small businesses. One such business is the use of…

how companies use qr codes

How the World’s Biggest Companies Use QR Codes

In today’s hyper-connected world, QR Codes are everywhere. We see them in gyms, restaurants, museums, events, and more. Small businesses are not the only ones implementing QR Codes, however; the giants are in the forefront of integrating this technology into their business models. In this article, we’ll explore how the biggest companies use QR Codes,…

QR Code in Construction

QR Code in Construction

QR Codes are popping fast and almost anywhere you look. You might have already scanned one of those QR Codes. And if you have, you know how easy it is to gather information and transact services through your mobile devices. This is the very reason why other companies, even in line with construction, are adopting…

qr codes for businesses

30 Great Ways to Use QR Codes for Businesses

Today, more and more businesses adopt the QR Code technology for their marketing and operations. We regularly see QR Codes in print and digital advertisements, packaging, and even embedded in the products themselves. In this article, we’ll look into the different ways you can use QR Codes for businesses, how to make simple QR Codes,…

qr codes special schools

QR Codes for Special Schools: Enhancing Learning in a Scan

Special schools exist to give learners a focused training or development on a particular talent or skill, such as music, arts, acting, modeling, and more. It can also enhance learners’ basic academic skills particularly reading, writing, and arithmetic. These schools have been thriving in the recent years. But with the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic,…

qr codes house cleaning services

7 Ways to Maximize QR Codes for House Cleaning Services

House cleaning can be a good business opportunity, especially within communities where homeowners generally have busy schedules. If you wish to start your house cleaning business soon, integrating QR Codes is an excellent way to reach your customer base and modernize the way you conduct your operations. In this article, we’ll discuss different ways to…