QR Codes tattoo

QR Codes in the Tattoo Industry: A Convenient Way to Get Inked

“Some people hang art, I wear it.” – Roman Reigns, WWE Superstar Have you ever seen anyone walking around with an intricate drawing on their arms, shoulders, neck, legs, or elsewhere? Those are tattoos. Tattoos are a beautiful form of self-expression and art. They tell a story about where a person is coming from and…

QR Codes for Presentations

Upgrade Your Presentations: How QR Codes Can Take Your Content to the Next Level

Speaking in conferences is a great opportunity to present the results of your research and share new knowledge. In this article, we are going to walk you through how you can leverage the power of QR Codes for presentations during conferences and seminars. QR Codes can help you engage with your audience, share important information,…

QR Code Myths

Debunking the QR Code Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction

QR Codes have become a commonplace nature of modern life, popping up on everything from restaurant menus to museum exhibits. But despite their widespread use, there are still many misconceptions surrounding this technology. Because of these misconceptions, some people still fear or outright refuse to use QR Codes. Here on QR Cloud, let’s talk about…

QR Codes for Earth Day

Scan to Save the Planet: QR Codes for Earth Day

Earth Day is almost here. Surely, you’re already thinking about sustainable ways to share your advocacies for taking care of our only home. Have you already tried QR Codes? In this article, let’s talk about how you can maximize QR Codes for Earth Day… and everyday for the rest of the year! Are QR Codes…

qr codes for computer shops

QR Codes for Computer Shops: Upgrading Your Services in a Scan

In recent years, we’ve seen the rise of QR Codes as an essential and invaluable tool for businesses to be more in touch with their customers, increase sales, and innovate. Computer shops and repair technicians can also reap the benefits of this technology to offer an effective way to engage with their clients, especially in…

qr code for pharmacies

QR Codes for Pharmacies: Revolutionizing the Way You Get Meds

QR Codes are popping up everywhere nowadays, their applications so far seemingly endless. Healthcare is one industry that has benefited a lot from this simple yet versatile technology. And the pharmacy industry has reaped the benefits of QR Codes for the past years. In this article, let’s talk about how pharmacies can use QR Codes…

QR Code for convenience stores

QR Code for Convenience Stores: Transforming Shopping

QR Codes for Convenient Stores are becoming more and more convenient in different places and areas. This delivers a faster, more hygienic, and convenient service to customers. The idea behind QR Codes is to create an image that can be scanned by a smart phone using an app, modern phones can directly scan these codes…

QR Code for campus papers

QR Code for Campus Papers: Revolutionizing Student Journalism

The campus paper is a must in the practice of academic freedom in schools and colleges. However, every year, many student papers run into funding problems, making it a challenge to deliver relevant and timely news to the student body. Using QR Code for campus papers is one of the modern solutions to keep students…

QR Codes for Disaster Management

QR Codes for Disaster Management

If you’ve ever been outside recently, chances are you have seen those weird-looking, square barcodes on billboards, print ads, and even coffee cups. Even if you haven’t been outside but have been online, chances are you’ve seen them at least once on your timeline. These are QR Codes, and they’ve seen a rise in popularity…

QR Code for vehicle registration

QR Code for Vehicle Registration: Diverse Use of Drivers and Cars

Nowadays, QR Codes are not just used for inventory and marketing. This technology has also found its place in government transactions and records. In this blog, let’s discuss the uses of QR Code for vehicle registration. All About QR Codes What are QR Codes? QR Codes are two-dimensional barcodes that can be scanned using a…